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Alabaster carving was one of the primary arts associated with England, site of the best-known quarries. A form of gypsum, alabaster is relatively soft when mined, facilitating its carving. It hardens slightly after exposure to the air and also accepts color and gilt well. Thus it was an ideal material for complex sculpture for interior decoration of shrines and altars. The Coronation of the Virgin dates about 1450 and retains some of its original color and gold highlights.Stained glass was extensively used in England, and extant windows date from the 12th century in Canterbury and Lincoln cathedrals. In the 13th-century-English artists worked in France at the Cathedral of Sens and the Abbey of St.-Yved in Braine. By the fifteenth century, county churches such as East Harling were installing extensive cycles such as Life of the Virgin window.

Art does not only come in the form of paintings and sculptures. Art also comes in how the person presents themselves. Here are the many styles of England.

England can be divided into two major regions. They are called highland zone and the lowland zone. The highland zone is the region where there are big hills and mountainsin the north and west. The lowland zone in the south and east contain mostly rolling plains.